Why Spinach Keeps You and Your Skin Healthy

What does argan oil have in common with spinach? They are both good for skin.

Spinach is really low in calories. One cup of spinach has much less than 32 calories.
Other than being low cal, this leafed green vegetable is full of nutrients.

Let’s start with vitamin C and A. These are antioxidant that aids to avoid and repair damage to your skin from free radicals.
Other nutrients discovered in green spinach are vitamins A, K, B2, B6, E, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, magnesium, and iron.

All these vitamins and minerals not simply keep your skin smooth and looking fantastic, yet they also have other health and wellness advantages.

They keep heart, bones and eyes healthy. So make certain to include spinach in your diet.



Sadao Sasaki

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